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One of the main questions guiding my facilitative practice is that of philosopher Brian Massumi asking:

what is the relationship between

I prefer the word facilitating - or maybe rather the making of situations for dance to happen

to be honest I don't know which word I prefer
to denote the practice of

in any case I prefer the infinitive
denoting process
the ungoing
the unfinished
the not needing to stop moving and be placed in
a definition

that which can keep moving like water

whatever the word for
"teaching'" is
-in the world where relationships, institutions, aims are defined by neoliberal economies-
well, teaching is to me impossibilities
more so than possibilities

As a practice of togetherness in the world "where anything goes",
"teaching" is claiming space for 
the impossible.

Bodies together is the impossible,

the impossible possibility of reimagining futures of bodies in
"an un-coercive re-arrangement of desires"
(Andreotti, 2016)


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